Version 4.1.021
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Design Module


[Enhanced] The Report Setup form has a more readable indication of what type of report has been selected. The types are:

  • Base report
  • Custom report
  • Saved base report options
  • Saved custom report options


[New] If you use the [=] button next to the freight fields and enter a total freight quote, the amount you enter for that product will be saved for reference. If you use this tool again for that specification, the quote amount will be marked "(Previous)" as a reminder.

[Enhanced] The "Specification List" and "Specification Status List" reports now include an option to display a thumbnail image if an image is attached. This option is enabled by default, but can be turned off if a more compact report is needed. Please note that existing saved reports need to be created again if you wish to see this option on those saved reports.

Purchasing Module

(These only apply if you have the Design/Purchasing version)


[New] Three new client-oriented order reports have been added, which only show the sell price and are suitable for distribution to clients:

  • Client Order Item List by Code
  • Client Order Item Summary by Code
  • Client Vendor Order Summary

As reminder, all client-oriented report names start with the word "Client" and do not include cost amounts. Always verify that a report you are sending to a client does not contain cost information if their projects are billing type 1 (cost/sell).

[Fixed] The presence of a custom plug-in for the Export command intefered with the ability to set up a standard export.

Processing - Enter Vendor Invoices

[Enhanced] If a change to a quantity is entered while modifying a line item on an invoice, you must supply a "shipped" or "shipped as of" date on the pop-up form used to classify the difference. Prior to this, changing the quantity could produce an invalid result because the  item had not been properly marked as being "shipped." The problem did not occur if shipping quantities were entered on the Expediting form prior to entering vendor invoices, or if the general "shipped as of" option were used during vendor invoice entry.